Kamis, 04 September 2014
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Honda Lampung Raya
1. Sales Supervisor (Kode: SSJ)
- Pria, usia maksimal 30 tahun
- Berpengalaman dibidang otomotif R4 minimal 2 tahun
- Memiliki hubungan relasi yang luas
- Sanggup belerja sama dalam tim
- Sanggup bekerja dengan target dan mampu bernegosiasi
2. Sales Executive (Kode: SE)
- Pria, usia maksimal 2 tahun, dan waita, usia maksimal 25 tahun
- Berpenampilan menarik
- Pendidikan minimal SMA
- Diutamakan menguasai bahasa Inggris, minimal pasif
- Memiliki SIM C & A
- Ramah, komunikatif, dan berorientasi pada target
- Diutamakan memiliki kendaraan pribadi
3. Sales Counter (Kode: SC)
- Wanita, usia maksimal 25 tahun
- Berpenampilan menarik, ramah dan lugas dalam berbicara
- Pendidikan minimal D3
- DIutamakan menguasai bahasa Inggris, minimal pasif
- Memiliki SIM C dan A
- Ramah, komunikatif, dan berorientasi pada target
- Diutamakan memiliki kendaraan pribadi
Maka kami kami mengundang Anda untuk mengikuti Walk in Interview pada:
Hari: Senin s.d. Rabu
Tanggal: 26, 27 dan 2 Agustus 2013
Gelombang 1: Pukul 10.00 s.d. 12.00
Gelombang 2: Pukul 13.00 s.d. 15.00
Tempat: Honda Lampung Raya,
Alamat: Jl. Raden Intan 16 B, Tanjung Karang, Bandar Lampung
Sumber: Radar Lampung, edisi tanggal 25 Agustus 2013
Jangan lupa, follow kami di Twitter @KarirLampung dan Facebook KarirLampungDotCom Semoga informasi Lowongan Kerja Lampung Terbaru yang kami sajikan ini bermanfaat dan bisa membantu mengurangi jumlah pengangguran di Lampung.
Rabu, 03 September 2014
Lowongan Pendiri Cabang TK Islam Karakter Genius Islamic School Yayasan Mutiara Jenius Internasional
Pendiri Cabang
· Memiliki semangat bisnis pendidikan
· Meyiapkan tempat/lokasi untuk TK Islam Karakter
· Membayar Manajemen Fee Rp. 5.000.000/level (Play Group/TK) selama masa kerjasama.
· Target lokasi; DKI Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang, Bekasi, Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya, Sidoarjo, Kalimantan Timur, Lampung, Palembang dan Batam.
Kandidat yang tertarik silahkan mengirimkan lamaran segera, CV dan foto terbaru melalui Email; geniusislamicschool@yahoo.co.id. sebelum 15 Juni 2013.
Kontak Person Ibu Eva 021-77829019,
Kantor Pusat
Genius Islamic School, Yayasan Mutiara Jenius Internasional
Alamat: Jl. H. Dimun Raya No. 17 E Kota Depok
Sumber informasi lowongan: TK Islam Karakter, Genius Islamic School, Yayasan Mutiara Jenius Internasional via email, 30 Maret 2013
Semoga informasi Lowongan Kerja Lampung Terbaru yang kami sajikan ini bermanfaat dan bisa membantu mengurangi jumlah pengangguran di Lampung.
Selasa, 02 September 2014
Lowongan PT Metrodata Electronics Tbk Terbaru 2013
Account Manager For Sumatera Area
Lampung, Padang (Sumatera Barat), Medan (Sumatera Utara)
- Candidate must possess at least a Diploma, any field.
- Required skill(s): able to speak hokkien will be an advantage (especially for medan area), experience in selling it products & telco, min GPA 2.75.
- Required language(s): English, Bahasa Indonesia
- At least 1 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
- Preferably Staff (non-management & non-supervisor)s specializing in Sales - Engineering/Technical/IT or equivalent.
- Full-Time position(s) available.
- Possess good relationship with various IT & Telco vendor.
- Good analytical skill in accommodating customer needs.
- Good Influence & Negotiation skills.
SUmber informasi lowongan kerja: Jobstreet.co.id
Semoga informasi Lowongan Kerja Lampung Terbaru yang kami sajikan ini bermanfaat dan bisa membantu mengurangi jumlah pengangguran di Lampung.
Senin, 01 September 2014
Ini Tito Kei yang Ditembak di Kepala Tubuh Penuh Tato
Sabtu, 30 Agustus 2014
Klasifikasi botani tanaman hias gerbera adalah sebagai berikut:
Divisio : Spermatophyta
Sub Divisio : Angiospermae
Famili : Compositae/Asteraceae
Genus : Gerbera.
Spesies : Gerbera jamensonii
Dari keragaman bentuk bunga, terutama struktur helai mahkota bunganya dikenal empat jenis gerbera yg telah dibudidayakan di Indonesia yaitu:
- Gerbara berbunga selapis: helai mahkota bunga tersusun selapis dan umumnya berwarna merah, kuning dan merah jambu.
- Gerbera berbunga dua: helai mahkota tersusun bervariasi lebih dr satu. Lapis helai mahkota bagian luar nampak sekali perbedaan susunannya. Contoh berbunga lapis dua yaitu Gerbera jamensonii Fantasi Double Purple yg berwarna merah.
- Gerbera berbunga tiga lapis: contoh dr bunga jenis ini adalah Gerbera jamensonii Fantasi Triple Red yg berbunga dominan merah, kemudian bervariasi kuning atau hijau kekuningan.
- Jenis gerbera yg dihasilkan oleh Holand Asia Flori Net di Belanda, dgn ukuran yg lebih besar dr ke tiga jenis di atas. Varitas yg ditanam adalah Gerbara yustika (pink merah), Orange Jaffa (oranye cerah), Ventury (oranye tua).
Demikian artikel ttg JENIS TANAMAN GERBERA / HEBRAS, semoga dapat bermanfaat.
Baca juga:
Budidaya Bunga GERBERA / HEBRAS
Jumat, 29 Agustus 2014
Klasifikasi Tanaman Belimbing
- Kingdom : Plantae (tumbuh-tumbuhan)
- Divisi : Spermatphyta (tumbuhan berbiji)
- Sub-divisi : Angiospermae (berbiji tertutup)
- Kelas : Dicotyledonae (biji berkeping dua)
- Ordo : Oxalidales
- Famili : Oxalidaceae
- Genus : Averrhoa
- Spesies : Averrhoa carambola L. (belimbing manis); A.bilimbi L. (belimbing wuluh).
Kanndungan Gizi Buah Belimbing
Masyarakat mungkin belum banyak yang tahu bahwa buah belimbing mempunyai gizi yang cukup banyak, nah disini akan saya paparkan kandungan gizi yang terdapat dalam buah belimbing:- Protein 1.37 g
- Karbohidrat 10 g
- Vitamin C 45,4 mg
- Vitamin A IU 81
- Vitamin B6 0,022 mg
- Kalium 176 mg
- Kalsium 4 mg
- Sodium 3 mg
- Seng 0,16 mg
- Asam pantotenat 0,516 mg
- Besi 0.11mg
- Tembaga 0.181 mg
- Gula 7 g
- Diet serat 3,7 g
- Folat 16 mcg
- Kalori 41
Cara Memilih Buah Belimbing
Walaupun jarang, namun terkadang kita akan menemukan buah ini dijajakan di pasar tradisional maupun di supermarket. Jika ingin membelinya, maka pilihlah buah belimbing yang mempunyai warna kuning terang serta mempunyai garis gelap di sepanjang ujung bintangnya. Jika terdapat bintik-bintik gelap pada buah, itu tandanya belimbing sudah terlalu matang. Kesegaran buah belimbing dapat tahan hingga 1 minggu jika dimasukkan dalam plastik dan disimpan dalam kulkas. Jika buah belimbing belum terlalu matang, maka simpan saja buah dalam suhu kamar hingga matang sebelum dikonsumsi.Manfaat Buah Belimbing
- Mengurangi Kolesterol
Buah belimbing mengandung zat pektin, zat tersebut sangat bermanfaat untuk mengurangi kadar kolesterol dalam tubuh kita. Selain itu, khasiat buah belimbing juga sangat baik untuk mencegah penyakit hepatitis. - Mencegah Penyakit Kanker
Buah belimbing mengandung vitamin C yang sangat tinggi yang dipercaya dapat mengobati penyakit kanker. - Mengobati Hipertensi
Buah belimbing mengandung kadar kalium yang cukup tinggi serta natrium yang cukup rendah yang dipercaya dapat menjadi obat penyakit hipertensi. - Melancarkan Proses Pencernaan
Buah belimbing memiliki kandungan serat yang sangat tinggi, sehingga dapat membantu proses pencernaan tubuh kita. - Meningkatkan Daya Tahan Tubuh
Buah belimbing kaya akan kandungan vitamin khususnya vitamin A dan juga vitamin C yang berfungsi sebagai antioksidan, dan zat tersebut dapat membantu tubuh kita agar terhindar dari berbagai penyakit.
Kamis, 28 Agustus 2014
In the name of God,
Most Gracious, Most Merciful
76:1 Has there not been over Man a long period of Time, when he was nothing - (not even) mentioned?
76:2 Verily We created Man from a drop of mingled sperm, in order to try him: So We gave him (the gifts), of Hearing and Sight.
76:3 We showed him the Way: whether he be grateful or ungrateful (rests on his will).
76:4 For the Rejecters we have prepared chains, yokes, and a blazing Fire.
76:5 As to the Righteous, they shall drink of a Cup (of Wine) mixed with Kafur,-
76:6 A Fountain where the Devotees of God do drink, making it flow in unstinted abundance.
76:7 They perform (their) vows, and they fear a Day whose evil flies far and wide.
76:8 And they feed, for the love of God, the indigent, the orphan, and the captive,-
76:9 (Saying),"We feed you for the sake of God alone: no reward do we desire from you, nor thanks.
76:10 "We only fear a Day of distressful Wrath from the side of our Lord."
76:11 But God will deliver them from the evil of that Day, and will shed over them a Light of Beauty and (blissful) Joy.
76:12 And because they were patient and constant, He will reward them with a Garden and (garments of) silk.
76:13 Reclining in the (Garden) on raised thrones, they will see there neither the suns (excessive heat) nor (the moons) excessive cold.
76:14 And the shades of the (Garden) will come low over them, and the bunches (of fruit), there, will hang low in humility.
76:15 And amongst them will be passed round vessels of silver and goblets of crystal,-
76:16 Crystal-clear, made of silver: they will determine the measure thereof (according to their wishes).
76:17 And they will be given to drink there of a Cup (of Wine) mixed with Zanjabil,-
76:18 A fountain there, called Salsabil.
76:19 And round about them will (serve) youths of perpetual (freshness): If thou seest them, thou wouldst think them scattered Pearls.
76:20 And when thou lookest, it is there thou wilt see a Bliss and a Realm Magnificent.
76:21 Upon them will be green Garments of fine silk and heavy brocade, and they will be adorned with Bracelets of silver; and their Lord will give to them to drink of a Wine Pure and Holy.
76:22 "Verily this is a Reward for you, and your Endeavour is accepted and recognised."
76:23 It is We Who have sent down the Quran to thee by stages.
76:24 Therefore be patient with constancy to the Command of thy Lord, and hearken not to the sinner or the ingrate among them.
76:25 And celebrate the name or thy Lord morning and evening,
76:26 And part of the night, prostrate thyself to Him; and glorify Him a long night through.
76:27 As to these, they love the fleeting life, and put away behind them a Day (that will be) hard.
76:28 It is We Who created them, and We have made their joints strong; but, when We will, We can substitute the like of them by a complete change.
76:29 This is an admonition: Whosoever will, let him take a (straight) Path to his Lord.
76:30 But ye will not, except as God wills; for God is full of Knowledge and Wisdom.
76:31 He will admit to His Mercy whom He will; But the wrong-doers,- for them has He prepared a grievous Penalty.
The Holy Quran
Translated by Abdullah Yusuf Ali
Rabu, 27 Agustus 2014
Cara Ampuh Menghilangkan Virus Sality
Selasa, 19 Agustus 2014
Situs Unik Khusus Para Pecandu Porno
Sebuah situs untuk melayani kecanduan pornografi baru saja diluncurkan di Inggris. Situs ini akan memberi dukungan dan bimbingan konseling pada pencandu seks usia dewasa di inggris yang jumlahnya diperkirakan mencapai 1.2 juta.
HelpAddictions.org, nama situs pecandu seks, akan beroperasi 24 jam, selama sepekan. Layanannya termasuk sesi konsultasi melalui telepon dengan konselor terlatih, perangkat lunak untuk memonitor aktivitas online serta mengirimkan daftar situs erotis yang aman dibuka pecandu.
Pengobatan lain mengatasi kecanduan pornografi yang ditawarkan juga meliputi program belajar di rumah, latihan harian, konten audio dan akses ke forum online rahasia. Di forum ini, pengguna dapat berdiskusi mengenai kondisi mereka dan saling mendukung antarsesama pecandu.
Situs juga menawarkan dukungan untuk pasangan para pecandu porno. Biasanya, pasangan juga merasa trauma dengan perilaku pasangan mereka.
Program situs nirlaba ini mendapat dukungan pemerintah setempat. Untuk bergabung dalam Komunitas Konseling, calon anggota membayar biaya £ 89 setara Rp1,2 juta. Kemudahan lainnya, anggota dapat bergabung dengan nama alias atau anonim.
Dr Chris Forester, salah satu ahli di situs HelpAddictions.org, menyalahkan internet sebagai pemicu mewabahnya pornografi. Informasi seputar pornografi tersebut dengan cepat menyebar di masyarakat melalui dunia maya.
"Kecanduan porno berubah menjadi masalah besar dan berdampak negatif pada masyarakat, kehidupan seks, hubungan, bahkan karir," ujarnya dikutip dari Daily Mail.
Program di situs tersebut diklaim mampu menangani kecanduan dan menciptakan program yang fleksibel dan teknik terbaru, terstruktur dengan cara yang unik. Banyak dari pecandu menggunakan pornografi di internet sebagai pelarian dari stres dan ketegangan di kantor. Sementara untuk warga yang lebih senior, pornografi menjadi alat untuk mengobati kesepian.
Dalam waktu singkat, situs penyembuh kecanduan ini telah menerima ratusan pertanyaan dari orang yang ingin sembuh namun tak tahu caranya.
Program situs didasarkan pada lima proses pengobatan. Jika tidak berhasil, pasien terapi akan dibebaskan dari biaya.
"Kecanduan pornografi merupakan hal tabu yang membuat korbannya berusaha keras untuk mengatasi. Jika tidak ditangani dengan benar, bisa mempengaruhi kehidupan jutaan orang selama bertahun-tahun, " ucap Dr Forester.
Baca juga:
- Inilah Situs Porno Paling Favorit Pria Dan Wanita
- 50 Situs Unik Dan Paling Menyeramkan di Dunia
Sabtu, 16 Agustus 2014
Anak Binus Yang Tewas Itu Menelpon dari Kubur Serem !
Kisah dari sebuah Universitas di
Jakarta tentang seorang gadis muda
yang baru meninggal bulan lalu.
Namanya Samara. Dia meninggal karena
tertabrak truk. Samara punya seorang
pacar namanya Ari. Kedua nya saling
menyayangi . Mereka selalu
berteleponan. Kamu tidak akan pernah
melihat Samara tanpa handphone nya.
Sampai2 dia mengganti kartu Telkomsel
nya ke indosat, agar mereka berdua
berada di network yang sama dan
mengirit pulsa serta signal yang kuat.
Samara menghabiskan hampir setengah
hari untuk mengobrol dengan Ari.
Keluarga Samara pun tahu
hubungan mereka. Ari sangat dekat
dengan k eluarga Samara (bayangkan
hubung an mereka). Sebelum
dia meninggal dia selalu berkata pada
teman2 nya "Kalo gua meninggal tolong
kuburkan gua sama handphone
gua". Dia juga mengatakan hal yang
sama kepada orangtuanya.
Setelah Samara meninggal tidak ada
yang dapat mengangkat peti matinya.
Saya juga berada disana. Banyak orang
termasuk saya yang mencoba tapi tetap
tidak bisa. Akhirnya mereka
memanggil "orang pintar".
Dia memegang sebatang kayu dan mulai
berbicara sendiri perlahan. Setelah
beberapa menit orang pintar itu berkata
"gadis ini kehilangan sesuatu disini"
Lalu teman2 Samara berkata kepada
orang pintar itu tentang ke inginannya
untuk dikubur dengan handphonenya.
Kemudian mereka membuka kembali peti
mati nya dan menaruh handphone serta
Simcard nya. Setelah itu mereka
mencoba untuk mengangkat kembali peti
matinya. Peti mati itu dapat diangkat
dan dipindahkan ke mobil jenazah
dengan mudah. Kami semua yang melihat
ini sangat kaget.
Karena takut stress, keluarga Samara
tidak memberitahukan tentang kematian
Samara kepada Ari. Setelah 2 minggu
kematian Samara, Ari menelepon ibu
Samara dan berkata "Saya akan pulang
hari ini, tolong jangan katakan pada
Samara bahwa aku akan datang, aku
ingin membuat kejutan untuknya".
Mama Samara menjawab "Datanglah
dahulu , tante ingin memberi tahu
Setelah Ari datang, mereka
memberitahukan tentang kematian
Samara. Ari mengira mereka sedang
bercanda, dia hanya tertawa dan
berkata "Jangan bercanda, bilang pada
Samara untuk keluar, aku membawa
sesuatu untuk nya."
Akhirny a mereka membawa Ari ke kuburan
Samara. Lalu Ari berkata "Ini tidak
mungkin. Kami berbicara kemarin. Dia
masih tetap menelepon."
Ari sangat terkejut. Tiba-tiba
handphone nya berbunyi, "Lihat ini
dari Samara, lihat ini…"
Ari memperlihatkan handphonenya ke
keluarga Samara, dan mereka menyuruh
Ari untuk menjawab. Ari menjawab
telepon itu dengan memakai speaker.
Mereka semua mendengar pembicaraan itu
dengan sangat jelas & jernih, tidak
ada gangguan apapun. Dan itu benar2
suara Samara dan sangat tidak mungkin
ada orang lain yang memakainya karena
Sim Card nya sudah dikubur bersama
Samara. Mereka semua sangat terkejut
dan memanggil "orang pintar" untuk
membantu mereka lagi.
"Orang pintar" itu membawa teman nya
untuk mencari jawaban atas keanehan
ini. orang pintar dan teman nya
itu bekerja selama 5 jam. Selagi
berdoa mereka membuat acara seperti
jelangkungan, dan tiba-tiba salah satu
orang pintar tersebut tidak bisa
mengontrol tangannya dan mulai menulis
disecarik kertas. Setelah selesai,
tulisann ya langsung dibaca orang
pinter itu seperti dibawah …..
Selasa, 12 Agustus 2014
Video Gambar Rusuhan Di Singapura
Senin, 11 Agustus 2014
Bayern City Tempat Slot 16 Terakhir
Minggu, 01 Juni 2014
Panduan Budidaya Kentang
Sabtu, 31 Mei 2014
Seni Pahat Buku Yang Luar Biasa
Foto Jempol Raksasa Menunjuk Indonesia di Google Earth
Minggu, 13 April 2014
God Of War II
Now Kratos brings down to the land of ancient Greece, misery and damnation record, plunging the once beautiful world into chaos, against which the machinations of the pale Ares.
Note: Installation instructions:
- Mount image through Daemon Tools
- Install game
- Launch God Of War II from the desktop
- Play!
System requirements:
- Operating System: Windows XP / Vista/Win 7
- Processor: Core 2 Quad with a frequency of 2.5 GHz
- Memory: 1 GB
- Video card:-ATI X1300 1 GB or higher
- Free disk space: 7 GB
- Sound: DirectX 9.0c-compatible sound card
- Controls: keyboard mouse (better gamepad)
Password : www.gamehousevn.com
Sabtu, 12 April 2014
Daftar 500 Lagu Terbaik Sepanjang Masa Versi Rolling Stone
Bob Dylan |
Daftar 500 Lagu Terbaik Sepanjang Masa Versi Rolling Stone :
001 - Bob Dylan - Like A Rolling Stone.mp3
002 - Rolling Stones - (I Cant Get No) Satisfaction.mp3
003 - John Lennon - Imagine.mp3
004 - Marvin Gaye - Whats Going On.mp3
005 - Aretha Franklin - Respect.mp3
006 - The Beach Boys - Good Vibrations.mp3
007 - Chuck Berry - Johnny B. Goode.mp3
008 - The Beatles - Hey Jude.mp3
009 - Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit.mp3
010 - Ray Charles - Whatd I Say Parts I & Ii.mp3
011 - The Who - My Generation.mp3
012 - Sam Cooke - A Change Is Gonna Come.mp3
013 - The Beatles - Yesterday.mp3
014 - Bob Dylan - Blowin In The Wind.mp3
015 - Clash - London Calling.mp3
016 - The Beatles - I Want To Hold Your Hand.mp3
017 - Jimi Hendrix - Purple Haze.mp3
018 - Chuck Berry - Maybellene.mp3
019 - Elvis Presley - Hound Dog.mp3
020 - The Beatles - Let It Be.mp3
021 - Bruce Springsteen - Born To Run.mp3
022 - The Ronettes - Be My Baby.mp3
023 - The Beatles - In My Life.mp3
024 - The Impressions - People Get Ready.mp3
025 - The Beach Boys - God Only Knows.mp3
026 - The Beatles - A Day In The Life.mp3
027 - Derek And The Dominos - Layla.mp3
028 - Otis Redding - (Sittin On) The Dock Of The Bay.mp3
029 - The Beatles - Help.mp3
030 - Johnny Cash - I Walk The Line.mp3
031 - Led Zeppelin - Stairway To Heaven.mp3
032 - Rolling Stones - Sympathy For The Devil.mp3
033 - Ike And Tina Turner - River Deep Mountain High.mp3
034 - Righteous Brothers - Youve Lost That Lovin Feelin.mp3
035 - The Doors - Light My Fire.mp3
036 - U2 - One.mp3
037 - Bob Marley - No Woman No Cry.mp3
038 - The Rolling Stones - Gimme Shelter.mp3
039 - Buddy Holly And The Crickets - Thatll Be The Day.mp3
040 - Martha Reeves And The Vandellas - Dancing In The Streets.mp3
041 - The Band - The Weight.mp3
042 - The Kinks - Waterloo Sunset.mp3
043 - Little Richard - Tutti Frutti.mp3
044 - Ray Charles - Georgia On My Mind.mp3
045 - Elvis Presley - Heartbreak Hotel.mp3
046 - David Bowie - Heroes.mp3
047 - Simon & Garfunkel - Bridge Over Troubled Water.mp3
048 - The Jimi Hendrix Experience - All Along The Watchtower.mp3
049 - The Eagles - Hotel California.mp3
050 - Smokey Robinson & The Miracles - The Tracks Of My Tears.mp3
051 - Grandmaster Flash And The Furious Five - The Message.mp3
052 - Prince - When Doves Cry.mp3
053 - Sex Pistols - Anarchy In The U.K.mp3
054 - Percy Sledge - When A Man Loves A Woman.mp3
055 - The Kingsmen - Louie Louie.mp3
056 - Little Richard - Long Tall Sally.mp3
057 - Procol Harum - A Whiter Shade Of Pale.mp3
058 - Michael Jackson - Billie Jean.mp3
059 - Bob Dylan - The Times They Are A-Changin.mp3
060 - Al Green - Lets Stay Together.mp3
061 - Jerry Lee Lewis - Whole Lotta Shakinâ´ Goingâ´ On.mp3
062 - Bo Diddley - Bo Diddley.mp3
063 - Buffalo Springfield - For What Its Worth.mp3
064 - The Beatles - She Loves You.mp3
065 - Cream - Sunshine Of Your Love.mp3
066 - Bob Marley And The Wailers - Redemption Song.mp3
067 - Elvis Presley - Jailhouse Rock.mp3
068 - Bob Dylan - Tangled Up In Blue.mp3
069 - Roy Orbison - Crying.mp3
070 - Dionne Warwick - Walk On By.mp3
071 - The Beach Boys - California Girls.mp3
072 - James Brown - Papas Got A Brand New Bag.mp3
073 - Eddie Cochran - Summertime Blues.mp3
074 - Stevie Wonder - Superstition.mp3
075 - Led Zeppelin - Whole Lotta Love.mp3
076 - The Beatles - Strawberry Fields Forever.mp3
077 - Elvis Presley - Mystery Train.mp3
078 - James Brown - I Got You (I Feel Good).mp3
079 - The Byrds - Mr Tambourine Man.mp3
080 - Marvin Gaye - I Heard It Through The Grapevine.mp3
081 - Fats Domino - Blueberry Hill.mp3
082 - The Kinks - You Really Got Me.mp3
083 - The Beatles - Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown).mp3
084 - The Police - Every Breath You Take.mp3
085 - Patsy Cline - Crazy.mp3
086 - Bruce Springsteen - Thunder Road.mp3
087 - Johnny Cash - Ring Of Fire.mp3
088 - The Temptations - My Girl.mp3
089 - The Mamas & The Papas - California Dreamin.mp3
090 - The Five Satins - In The Still Of The Night.mp3
091 - Elvis Presley - Suspicious Minds.mp3
092 - The Ramones - Blitzkrieg Bop.mp3
093 - U2 - I Still Havent Found What Im Looking For.mp3
094 - Little Richard - Good Golly Miss Molly.mp3
095 - Carl Perkins - Blue Suede Shoes.mp3
096 - Jerry Lee Lewis - Great Balls Of Fire.mp3
097 - Chuck Berry - Roll Over Beethoven.mp3
098 - Al Green - Love And Happiness.mp3
099 - Creedence Clearwater Revival - Fortunate Son.mp3
100 - The Rolling Stones - You Cant Always Get What You Want.mp3
101 - The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Voodoo Child (Slight Return).mp3
102 - Gene Vincent - Be Bop A Lula.mp3
103 - Donna Summer - Hot Stuff.mp3
104 - Stevie Wonder - Living For The City.mp3
105 - Simon & Garfunkel - The Boxer.mp3
106 - Bob Dylan - Mr. Tambourine Man.mp3
107 - Buddy Holly And The Crickets - Not Fade Away.mp3
108 - Prince - Little Red Corvette.mp3
109 - Van Morrison - Brown Eyed Girl.mp3
110 - Otis Redding - Ive Been Loving You Too Long.mp3
111 - Hank Williams - Im So Lonesome I Could Cry.mp3
112 - Elvis Presley - Thats All Right.mp3
113 - The Drifters - Up On The Roof.mp3
114 - The Crystals - Da Doo Ron Ron (When He Walked Me Home).mp3
115 - Sam Cooke - You Send Me.mp3
116 - The Rolling Stones - Honky Tonk Woman.mp3
117 - Al Green - Take Me To The River.mp3
118 - Isley Brothers - Shout (Parts 1 And 2).mp3
119 - Fleetwood Mac - Go Your Own Way.mp3
120 - The Jackson 5 - I Want You Back.mp3
121 - Ben E. King - Stand By Me.mp3
122 - The Animals - House Of The Rising Sun.mp3
123 - James Brown - Its A Mans, Mans, Mans World.mp3
124 - The Rolling Stones - Jumping Jack Flash.mp3
125 - The Shirelles - Will You Love Me Tomorrow.mp3
126 - Big Joe Turner - Shake, Rattle & Roll.mp3
127 - David Bowie - Changes.mp3
128 - Chuck Berry - Rock And Roll Music.mp3
129 - Steppenwolf - Born To Be Wild.mp3
130 - Rod Stewart - Maggie May.mp3
131 - U2 - With Or Without You.mp3
132 - Bo Diddley - Who Do You Love.mp3
133 - The Who - Wont Get Fooled Again.mp3
134 - Wilson Pickett - In The Midnight Hour.mp3
135 - The Beatles - While My Guitar Gently Weeps.mp3
136 - Elton John - Your Song.mp3
137 - The Beatles - Eleanor Rigby.mp3
138 - Sly & The Family Stone - Family Affair.mp3
139 - The Beatles - I Saw Her Standing There.mp3
140 - Led Zeppelin - Kashmir.mp3
141 - The Everly Brothers - All I Have To Do Is Dream.mp3
142 - James Brown - Please Please Please.mp3
143 - Prince - Purple Rain.mp3
144 - The Ramones - I Wanna Be Sedated.mp3
145 - Sly & The Family Stone - Everyday People.mp3
146 - The B-52s - Rock Lobster.mp3
147 - Iggy Pop - Lust For Life.mp3
148 - Janis Joplin - Me And Bobby Mcgee.mp3
149 - The Everly Brothers - Cathys Clown.mp3
150 - The Byrds - Eight Miles High.mp3
151 - The Penguins - Earth Angel.mp3
152 - Jimi Hendrix - Foxey Lady.mp3
153 - The Beatles - A Hard Days Night.mp3
154 - Buddy Holly - Rave On.mp3
155 - Creedence Clearwater Revival - Proud Mary.mp3
156 - Simon & Garfunkel - The Sounds Of Silence.mp3
157 - The Flamingos - I Only Have Eyes For You.mp3
158 - Bill Haley And His Comets - Rock Around The Clock.mp3
159 - The Velvet Underground - Im Waiting For The Man.mp3
160 - Public Enemy - Bring The Noise.mp3
161 - Ray Charles - I Cant Stop Loving You.mp3
162 - Sinead Oconnor - Nothing Compares 2 U.mp3
163 - Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody.mp3
164 - Johnny Cash - Folsom Prison Blues.mp3
165 - Tracy Chapman - Fast Car.mp3
166 - Eminem - Lose Yourself.mp3
167 - Marvin Gaye - Lets Get It On.mp3
168 - The Temptations - Papa Was A Rollin Stone.mp3
169 - R.E.M. - Losing My Religion.mp3
170 - Joni Mitchell - Both Sides Now.mp3
171 - Abba - Dancing Queen.mp3
172 - Aerosmith - Dream On.mp3
173 - The Sex Pistols - God Save The Queen.mp3
174 - The Rolling Stones - Paint It Black.mp3
175 - Bobby Fuller Four - I Fought The Law.mp3
176 - The Beach Boys - Dont Worry Baby.mp3
177 - Tom Petty - Free Fallin.mp3
178 - Big Star - September Gurls.mp3
179 - Joy Division - Love Will Tear Us Apart.mp3
180 - Outkast - Hey Ya.mp3
181 - Booker T. & The M.G.S - Green Onions.mp3
182 - The Drifters - Save The Last Dance For Me.mp3
183 - B.B. King - The Thrill Is Gone.mp3
184 - The Beatles - Please Please Me.mp3
185 - Bob Dylan - Desolation Row.mp3
186 - Aretha Franklin - I Never Loved A Man (The Way I Love You).mp3
187 - Ac Dc - Back In Black.mp3
188 - Creedence Clearwater Revival - Wholl Stop The Rain.mp3
189 - The Bee Gees - Stayin Alive.mp3
190 - Bob Dylan - Knockin On Heavens Door.mp3
191 - Lynyrd Skynyrd - Free Bird.mp3
192 - Glen Campbell - Wichita Lineman.mp3
193 - The Drifters - There Goes My Baby.mp3
194 - Buddy Holly - Peggy Sue.mp3
195 - The Chantels - Maybe.mp3
196 - Guns N Roses - Sweet Child O Mine.mp3
197 - Elvis Presley - Dont Be Cruel.mp3
198 - The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Hey Joe.mp3
199 - Parliament - Flash Light.mp3
200 - Beck - Loser.mp3
201 - New Order - Bizarre Love Triangle.mp3
202 - The Beatles - Come Together.mp3
203 - Bob Dylan - Positively 4Th Street.mp3
204 - Otis Redding - Try A Little Tenderness.mp3
205 - Bill Withers - Lean On Me.mp3
206 - The Four Tops - Reach Out Ill Be There.mp3
207 - The Everly Brothers - Bye Bye Love.mp3
208 - Them - Gloria.mp3
209 - The Beach Boys - In My Room.mp3
210 - Question Mark & The Mysterians - 96 Tears.mp3
211 - The Beach Boys - Caroline, No.mp3
212 - Prince - 1999.mp3
213 - Hank Williams - Your Cheatin Heart.mp3
214 - Neil Young - Rockin In The Free World.mp3
215 - The Chords - Sh-Boom.mp3
216 - The Lovin Spoonful - Belive In Magic.mp3
217 - Dolly Parton - Jolene.mp3
218 - John Lee Hooker - Boom Boom.mp3
219 - Howlin Wolf - Spoonful.mp3
220 - Left Banke - Walk Away Renee.mp3
221 - Lou Reed - Walk On The Wild Side.mp3
222 - Roy Orbison - Oh Pretty Woman.mp3
223 - Sly & The Family Stone - Dance To The Music.mp3
224 - Chic - Good Times.mp3
225 - Muddy Waters - Hoochie Coochie Man.mp3
226 - Van Morrison - Moondance.mp3
227 - James Taylor - Fire And Rain.mp3
228 - The Clash - Should I Stay Or Should I Go.mp3
229 - Muddy Waters - Mannish Boy.mp3
230 - Bob Dylan - Just Like A Woman.mp3
231 - Marvin Gaye - Sexual Healing.mp3
232 - Roy Orbison - Only The Lonely.mp3
233 - The Animals - We Gotta Get Out Of This Place.mp3
234 - The Byrds - Ill Feel A Whole Lot Better.mp3
235 - Ray Charles - I Got A Woman.mp3
236 - Buddy Holly And The Crickets - Everyday.mp3
237 - Afrika Bambaataa & The Soul Sonic Force - Planet Rock.mp3
238 - Patsy Cline - I Fall To Pieces.mp3
239 - Dion - The Wanderer.mp3
240 - Dusty Springfield - Son Of A Preacher Man.mp3
241 - Sly & The Family Stone - Stand!.mp3
242 - Elton John - Rocket Man.mp3
243 - The B-52S - Love Shack.mp3
244 - The Spencer Davis Group - Gimme Some Lovin.mp3
245 - The Band - The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down.mp3
246 - Jackie Wilson - (Your Love Keeps Lifting Me) Higher And Higher.mp3
247 - Sly & The Family Stone - Hot Fun In The Summertime.mp3
248 - The Sugar Hill Gang - Rappers Delight.mp3
249 - Aretha Franklin - Chain Of Fools.mp3
250 - Black Sabbath - Paranoid.mp3
251 - Bobby Darin - Mack The Knife.mp3
252 - The Drifters - Money Honey.mp3
253 - Mott The Hoople - All The Young Dudes.mp3
254 - Ac Dc - Highway To Hell.mp3
255 - Blondie - Heart Of Glass.mp3
256 - Radiohead - Paranoid Android.mp3
257 - The Troggs - Wild Thing.mp3
258 - The Who - I Can See For Miles.mp3
259 - Jeff Buckley - Hallelujah.mp3
260 - The Dells - Oh What A Night.mp3
261 - Stevie Wonder - Higher Ground.mp3
262 - Smokey Robinson - Ooo Baby Baby.mp3
263 - The Crystals - Hes A Rebel.mp3
264 - Randy Newman - Sail Away.mp3
265 - Archie Bell & The Drells - Tighten Up.mp3
266 - The Ronettes - Walking In The Rain.mp3
267 - New York Dolls - Personality Crisis.mp3
268 - U2 - Sunday Bloody Sunday.mp3
269 - The Modern Lovers - Roadrunner.mp3
270 - George Jones - He Stopped Loving Her Today.mp3
271 - The Beach Boys - Sloop John B.mp3
272 - Chuck Berry - Sweet Little Sixteen.mp3
273 - The Beatles - Something.mp3
274 - Jefferson Airplane - Somebody To Love.mp3
275 - Bruce Springsteen - Born In The U.S.A.mp3
276 - The Staple Singers - Ill Take You There.mp3
277 - David Bowie - Ziggy Stardust.mp3
278 - The Cure - Pictures Of You.mp3
279 - The Dixie Cups - Chapel Of Love.mp3
280 - Bill Withers - Aint No Sunshine.mp3
281 - Stevie Wonder - You Are The Sunshine Of My Life.mp3
282 - Joni Mitchell - Help Me.mp3
283 - Blondie - Call Me.mp3
284 - Elvis Costello - (Whats So Funny About) Peace, Love And Understanding.mp3
285 - Howlin Wolf - Smokestack Lightnin.mp3
286 - Pavement - Summer Babe (Winter Version).mp3
287 - Run Dmc - Walk This Way.mp3
288 - Barrett Strong - Money (Thats What I Want).mp3
289 - The Beatles - Cant Buy Me Love.mp3
290 - Eminem - Stan.mp3
291 - The Zombies - Shes Not There.mp3
292 - The Clash - Train In Vain.mp3
293 - Al Green - Tired Of Being Alone.mp3
294 - Led Zeppelin - Black Dog.mp3
295 - The Rolling Stones - Street Fighting Man.mp3
296 - Bob Marley - Get Up Stand Up.mp3
297 - Neil Young - Heart Of Gold.mp3
298 - Blondie - One Way Or Another.mp3
299 - Prince - Sign o The Times.mp3
300 - Madonna - Like A Prayer.mp3
301 - Rod Stewart - Da Ya Think Im Sexy.mp3
302 - Willie Nelson - Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain.mp3
303 - The Rolling Stones - Ruby Tuesday.mp3
304 - The Beatles - With A Little Help From My Friends.mp3
305 - James Brown - Say It Loud (Im Black And Im Proud).mp3
306 - The Jam - Thats Entertainment.mp3
307 - Frankie Lymon & The Teenagers - Why Do Fools Fall In Love.mp3
308 - Jackie Wilson - Lonely Teardrops.mp3
309 - Tina Turner - Whats Love Got To Do With It.mp3
310 - Black Sabbath - Iron Man.mp3
311 - The Everly Brothers - Wake Up Little Susie.mp3
312 - Roy Orbison - In Dreams.mp3
313 - Screamin Jay Hawkins - I Put A Spell On You.mp3
314 - Pink Floyd - Comfortably Numb.mp3
315 - The Animals - Dont Let Me Be Misunderstood.mp3
316 - Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here.mp3
317 - Jimmy Cliff - Many Rivers To Cross.mp3
318 - Elvis Costello - Alison.mp3
319 - Alice Cooper - Schools Out.mp3
320 - Led Zeppelin - Heartbreaker.mp3
321 - Neil Young - Cortez The Killer.mp3
322 - Public Enemy - Fight The Power.mp3
323 - Patti Smith - Dancing Barefoot.mp3
324 - The Supremes - Baby Love.mp3
325 - The Young Rascals - Good Lovin.mp3
326 - James Brown - Get Up (I Feel Like Being A) Sex Machine.mp3
327 - Jerry Butler - For Your Precious Love.mp3
328 - The Doors - The End.mp3
329 - Earth Wind & Fire - Thats The Way Of The World.mp3
330 - Queen - We Will Rock You.mp3
331 - Bonnie Raitt - I Cant Make You Love Me.mp3
332 - Bob Dylan - Subterranean Homesick Blues.mp3
333 - Norman Greenbaum - Spirit In The Sky.mp3
334 - The Rolling Stones - Wild Horses.mp3
335 - The Velvet Underground - Sweet Jane.mp3
336 - Aerosmith - Walk This Way.mp3
337 - Michael Jackson - Beat It.mp3
337 - Ray Charles - Hit The Road Jack.mp3
338 - Paul Mccartney - Maybe Im Amazed.mp3
339 - The Supremes - You Keep Me Hangin On.mp3
340 - The Who - Baba Oriley.mp3
341 - Jimmy Cliff - The Harder They Come.mp3
342 - Dion - Runaround Sue.mp3
343 - Lavern Baker - Jim Dandy.mp3
344 - Big Brother & The Holding Company - Piece Of My Heart.mp3
345 - Ritchie Valens - La Bamba.mp3
346 - Tupac Shakur - California Love.mp3
347 - Elton John - Candle In The Wind.mp3
348 - The Isley Brothers - That Lady.mp3
349 - Ben E. King - Spanish Harlem.mp3
350 - Little Eva - The Loco Motion.mp3
351 - The Platters - The Great Pretender.mp3
352 - Elvis Presley - All Shook Up.mp3
353 - Eric Clapton - Tears In Heaven.mp3
354 - Elvis Costello - Watching The Detectives.mp3
355 - Creedence Clearwater Revival - Bad Moon Rising.mp3
356 - Eurythmics - Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This).mp3
357 - Jimi Hendrix - Little Wing.mp3
358 - Martha Reeves And The Vandellas - Nowhere To Run.mp3
359 - Muddy Waters - Got My Mojo Working.mp3
360 - Roberta Flack - Killing Me Softly With His Song.mp3
361 - The Clash - Complete Control.mp3
362 - The Beatles - All You Need Is Love.mp3
363 - The Box Tops - The Letter.mp3
364 - Bob Dylan - Highway 61 Revisited.mp3
365 - The Righteous Brothers - Unchained Melody.mp3
366 - The Bee Gees - How Deep Is Your Love.mp3
367 - Cream - White Room.mp3
368 - Depeche Mode - Personal Jesus.mp3
369 - Bo Diddley - Im A Man.mp3
370 - Jimi Hendrix - The Wind Cries Mary.mp3
371 - The Who - I Cant Explain.mp3
372 - Television - Marquee Moon.mp3
373 - Sam Cooke - Wonderful World.mp3
374 - Chuck Berry - Brown Eyed Handsome Man.mp3
375 - Pink Floyd - Another Brick In The Wall Part 2.mp3
376 - Radiohead - Fake Plastic Trees.mp3
378 - U2 - Pride (In The Name Of Love).mp3
379 - R.E.M. - Radio Free Europe.mp3
380 - Elton John - Goodbye Yellow Brick Road.mp3
381 - Aaron Neville - Tell It Like It Is.mp3
382 - The Verve - Bittersweet Symphony.mp3
383 - The Allman Brothers Band - Whipping Post.mp3
384 - The Beatles - Ticket To Ride.mp3
385 - Crosby Stills Nash And Young - Ohio.mp3
386 - Eric B And Rakim - I Know You Got Soul.mp3
387 - Elton John - Tiny Dancer.mp3
388 - The Police - Roxanne.mp3
389 - The Temptations - Just My Imagination.mp3
390 - The Four Tops - Baby I Need Your Loving.mp3
391 - Band Of Gold - Freda Payne.mp3
392 - The Five Stairsteps - O-O-H Child.mp3
393 - The Lovin Spoonful - Summer In The City.mp3
394 - Elvis Presley - Cant Help Falling In Love.mp3
395 - The Shangri-Las - Remember (Walkin In The Sand).mp3
396 - Big Star - Thirteen.mp3
397 - Blue Oyster Cult - (Dont Fear) The Reaper.mp3
398 - Lynyrd Skynyrd - Sweet Home Alabama.mp3
399 - Metallica - Enter Sandman.mp3
400 - Paul Revere & The Raiders - Kicks.mp3
401 - The Shirelles - Tonights The Night.mp3
402 - Sly & The Family Stone - Thank You (Falettinme Be Mice Elf Again).mp3
403 - Eddie Cochran - Cmon Everybody.mp3
404 - Bob Dylan - Visions Of Johanna.mp3
405 - Carpenters - Weve Only Just Begun.mp3
406 - R Kelly - I Believe I Can Fly.mp3
407 - Nirvana - In Bloom.mp3
408 - Aerosmith - Sweet Emotion.mp3
409 - Cream - Crossroads.mp3
410 - The Pixies - Monkey Gone To Heaven.mp3
411 - Donna Summer - I Feel Love.mp3
412 - Bobbie Gentry - Ode To Billy Joe.mp3
413 - Little Richard - The Girl Cant Help It.mp3
414 - The Coasters - Young Blood.mp3
415 - The Four Tops - I Cant Help Myself.mp3
416 - Don Henley - The Boys Of Summer.mp3
417 - N.W.A. - Fuck The Police.mp3
418 - Crosby Stills And Nash - Suite Judy Blue Eyes.mp3
419 - Dr. Dre - Nuthin But A G Thang.mp3
420 - The Isley Brothers - Its Your Thing.mp3
421 - Billy Joel - Piano Man.mp3
422 - The Kinks - Lola.mp3
423 - Elvis Presley - Blue Suede Shoes.mp3
424 - The Rolling Stones - Tumbling Dice.mp3
425 - The Smiths - William, It Was Really Nothing.mp3
426 - Deep Purple - Smoke On The Water.mp3
427 - U2 - New Years Day.mp3
428 - Mitch Ryder & The Detroit Wheels - Devil With A Blue Dress On, Good Golly Miss Molly.mp3
429 - Solomon Burke - Everybody Needs Somebody To Love.mp3
430 - The Clash - White Man In Hammersmith Palais.mp3
431 - Fats Domino - Aint That A Shame.mp3
432 - Gladys Knight And The Pips - Midnight Train To Georgia.mp3
433 - Led Zeppelin - Ramble On.mp3
434 - Wilson Pickett - Mustang Sally.mp3
435 - The Rolling Stones - Beast Of Burden.mp3
436 - Love - Alone Again Or.mp3
437 - Elvis Presley - Love Me Tender.mp3
438 - The Stooges - I Wanna Be Your Dog.mp3
439 - John Mellencamp - Pink Houses.mp3
440 - Salt-N-Pepa - Push It.mp3
441 - The Dell-Vikings - Come Go With Me.mp3
442 - Little Richard - Keep A Knockin.mp3
443 - Bob Marley - I Shot The Sheriff.mp3
444 - Sonny & Cher - I Got You Babe.mp3
445 - Nirvana - Come As You Are.mp3
446 - Toots And The Maytals - Pressure Drop.mp3
447 - The Shangri-Las - Leader Of The Pack.mp3
448 - The Velvet Underground - Heroin.mp3
449 - The Beatles - Penny Lane.mp3
450 - Glen Campbell - By The Time I Get To Phoenix.mp3
451 - Chubby Checker - The Twist.mp3
452 - Sam Cooke - Cupid.mp3
453 - Guns N Roses - Paradise City.mp3
454 - George Harrison - My Sweet Lord.mp3
455 - Nirvana - All Apologies.mp3
456 - Lloyd Price - Stagger Lee.mp3
457 - The Ramones - Sheena Is A Punk Rocker.mp3
458 - Sam & Dave - Soul Man.mp3
459 - Muddy Waters - Rollin Stone.mp3
460 - The Chiffons - One Fine Day.mp3
461 - Prince - Kiss.mp3
462 - The Staple Singers - Respect Yourself.mp3
463 - The Beatles - Rain.mp3
464 - The Four Tops - Standing In The Shadows Of Love.mp3
465 - Cheap Trick - Surrender.mp3
466 - Del Shannon - Runaway.mp3
467 - Guns N Roses - Welcome To The Jungle.mp3
468 - The Stooges - Search And Destroy.mp3
469 - Carole King - Its Too Late.mp3
470 - Joni Mitchell - Free Man In Paris.mp3
471 - Willie Nelson - On The Road Again.mp3
472 - The Supremes - Where Did Our Love Go.mp3
473 - Aretha Franklin - Do Right Woman, Do Right Man.mp3
474 - Funkadelic - One Nation Under A Groove.mp3
475 - Beastie Boys - Sabotage.mp3
476 - Foreigner - I Want To Know What Love Is.mp3
477 - Rick James - Super Freak.mp3
478 - Jefferson Airplane - White Rabbit.mp3
479 - Labelle - Lady Marmelade.mp3
480 - Van Morrison - Into The Mystic.mp3
481 - David Bowie - Young Americans.mp3
482 - Alice Cooper - Im Eighteen.mp3
483 - The Cure - Just Like Heaven.mp3
484 - Joan Jett - I Love Rock n Roll.mp3
485 - Paul Simon - Graceland.mp3
486 - The Smiths - How Soon Is Now.mp3
487 - The Drifters - Under The Boardwalk.mp3
488 - Fleetwood Mac - Rhiannon.mp3
489 - Gloria Gaynor - I Will Survive.mp3
490 - The Rolling Stones - Brown Sugar.mp3
491 - Dusty Springfield - You Dont Have To Say You Love Me.mp3
492 - Jackson Browne - Running On Empty.mp3
493 - The Crystals - Then He Kissed Me.mp3
494 - The Eagles - Desperado.mp3
495 - Smokey Robinson & The Miracles - Shop Around.mp3
496 - The Rolling Stones - Miss You.mp3
497 - Weezer - Buddy Holly.mp3
498 - Brook Benton - Rainy Night In Georgia.mp3
499 - Thin Lizzy - The Boys Are Back In Town.mp3
500 - Boston - More Than A Feeling.mp3
Nah, itu tadi ifo mengenai daftar lagu terbaik di dunia sepanjang masa. semoga bisa bermanfaat dan menambah wawasan anda tentang dunia entertainment khususnya dibidang musik. semua rangking dan urutan lagu terbaik diatas dikeluarkan oleh majalah rolling stone dan semua penilaian tentu bersifat relatif. jadi lagu/musik terbaik pada dasarnya tentu tergantung masing-masing individu dalam menilainya.